When you are young you think you are sure
That what is in front of you is certain
But with age, experience, scars of hurt and the distrust they breed
You are less sure, Continue reading
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Tunnel Vision
Scars of happiness, scars of misery, scars of torture.
All etched into my flesh, my skin a timeline of emotions, fingertips trace my deepest, darkest, experiences. Continue reading
You know I must admit, I do love feeling my own body.
The silky smooth softness of my skin.
The firmness of my arse.
The dip between my hip to ribs and the muscle that lays beneath all that smooth skin of my back. Continue reading
The head of his cock dipped in then pulled out again.
“For fucks sake!”
“You’re still not ready for me.”
“Still? I’m sopping wet and you’ve been eating me out for over an hour!”
He chuckled as his stubble brushed over my already tender cunt. “If you let me finger you it wouldn’t take so long, but you are still too tight to take me in one hit.” Continue reading
Echo’s of You
There is an echo in this room
A long reverberating reminder of you
Of your touch,
Your kiss
Your fuck.
Crimson on Snow
What colours
Were ever more meant,
Then crimson on snow
And raven black strands?
Sea green trickling
To a rose cupids bow.
And blue lines map,
To that pulse by the neck.
Red rope on ivory skin
Rough abrasion on soft silk
Burning hurt leading to gasping pleasures
The contradictions that make life worth living
The Arc of a Celestial Body
It is not in the way your eyes see through me as mine follow the arc of your approach.
Nor is it the way your fingers trail heat across my flesh where moments ago chilled goosebumps were raised.
It isn’t the way your lips lure the truth of my desires, spilling secrets never before revealed. Continue reading